Using MyCoalition, students can begin exploring colleges and compiling personal and school-related achievements as early as ninth grade.
So by the time senior year rolls around, they are already on track for college success.

We’re more than 150 top colleges and universities committed to improving access to higher education.
Each of our member schools works to make college affordable and ensures students graduate on time. Most graduate students with no or low debt.
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MyCoalitionCounselors: want to help your students start early and stress less on their path to college? Join us Wednesday to… http://t.co/H4t6RRx04C
MyCoalitionRT @UBAdmissions: Ready to learn about financial aid? Join shadowrocket下载 on Aug. 17 and Aug. 19 for a virtual Financial Aid Workshop. In… http://t.co/O3RJMaqJIQ